Day: 1 donkey: €60
2 donkeys: €108
3 donkeys: €150
Up to 6 days (price per day): 1 donkey: 54€ 2 donkeys: 102€ 3 donkeys: 144€
Trekking + 7 days: consult the owners
This price includes: a donkey trained for trekking, its wooden pack, two large saddlebags, grooming equipment and a tie-up for the night. IGN map with itinerary and explanations on how to lead a donkey and prepare the saddlebags.
For donkey transport: 1€/km
To ensure that your donkey enjoys walking and stays in good shape, your luggage should not weigh more than 30kg per donkey, to which should be added the weight of the pack-saddle and your donkey's maintenance kit, i.e. around 40kg.
For stays in tents, count 1 donkey for 2/3 people, 2 donkeys for 4/5 people (and you'll probably also need to carry some things in your rucksacks).
Comfort stays in accommodation and 1/2 board, count 1 donkey for 3/4 people.
Prices and contact details for accommodation providers, so that you can book your accommodation in advance, on our website.